Guosheng Zhike holds 23rd anniversary celebration event


In May, the sunshine is just right and the breeze is not dry. In this vibrant early summer, we celebrate the 23rd anniversary of the establishment of Guosheng Intelligent Technology. Looking back, every step embodies the sweat and wisdom of Guosheng people. We always adhere to the core values of "integrity, quality, diligence, and innovation", constantly explore market demand, refine technology, innovate products, optimize services, and create every machine tool with ingenuity.

The market is like the sea, with magnificent waves. Only by constantly adapting and innovating can we set sail for the long haul. On the afternoon of May 28th, the group company held a "Transforming Thinking, Facing the Market" employee symposium, with more than 60 representatives of gold medal employees, young employees, and new employees participating in the symposium. Everyone shared their work positions around the theme, always adhering to the starting point of market demand, market-oriented, and placing the pulse of potential customers, foothold, and destination on products. We believe that as long as we always adhere to the spirit of craftsmanship and put customers at the center, we will be able to seize new opportunities in market competition and achieve steady and far-reaching results.

Gold medal employees and diamond employees are the precious spiritual cornerstone and driving force of the enterprise. When these glorious names are carved into hard stones, the message they convey is clear and firm: on the path of national prosperity, every effort will not be forgotten, and every transcendence will be remembered. In the future, regardless of the changes in wind and rain, this honor will become a source of strength for them to continue moving forward, and will also inspire more sparks in the hearts of future generations, jointly illuminating the path of national prosperity.

Chairman Pan Weiguo delivered a speech, thanking all employees for their unwavering dedication. The dinner was warmly opened with the joint cheers of Guosheng colleagues. This is a celebration of past achievements, but also a beautiful expectation for the future. Through food and laughter, we bring our hearts closer together and strengthen our team spirit.

Through mountains and rivers, we will never change and move forward. Though the mountains are high and the road is long, we can see infinite scenery. Guosheng has grown and been honored all the way. Now standing at a new starting point of the 23rd anniversary, Guosheng people will continue to uphold their original aspirations, driven by technological innovation and market demand, work hand in hand, and walk in the light of the sun!